A general theme is emerging here...lots of questions...
I will try to answer them dear readers...
"So what is going on with Chris and Stacy?"
The answer to this query is the familiar chorus- the docs don't seem to know. In Stacy's case there have been more biopsies-different docs, referrals, and a lot of head scratching. She is still dealing with too much pain and uncertainty.
In Chris's case, right before they were about to perform surgery, the docs decided they'd mis diagnosed his condition and that maybe removing half his colon wasn't such a good idea. So they are back to square one-as of last report...
"How is Josh's Mom doing?"
Josh's mom passed away after a long illness late last fall...Josh had been actively involved in his mother's care for many years and would have made any parent proud with his devotion to his mom. Not many men have that kind of commitment to their folks in this day and age...
"What happened to Canadian Farmer Clayton-did he heal up?"
Last I heard Clayton was injured in another accident-and worst of all it happened right before Calving Season-If memory serves correctly he messed up his back doing something not very coordinated on his tractor. Partner Larry has stepped up to help with calving (and soon foaling) as time with his job allows. Like most rural areas, local farmers have been there to help fill in the gaps.
"What about your mom and dad Tim, how are they doing?-Is your mom still in remission?"
As an answer to so many prayers, thankfully my mom remains cancer free. My dad though- well he just did a double axle loop d loop off a ladder, which earned him several stitches. He is still working, at 71derful, and other than dances with forklifts and his audition for Cirque D' So Look Out Below, all seems well with him...
"What happened with the RV Park battle you mentioned last time this year? Is the project still going forward?"
Well folks we put up a good fight, but lost that battle. I don't really know what to say at this point other than it will give a whole new definition to the time honored phrase "A Thousand Points of Light"...with 300 big huge diesel motor coaches all parked on top of one another...finding the same crowds they've just driven hundreds of miles to escape. Isn't that just ironic?
"Are you still writing? If so where?"
I don't have too much to report on this front. I certainly take forever to get a monthly 500 word column written, on deadline, and I guess the recent brain trauma diagnosis finally gives me some reasoning as to why its so damn hard to keep things focused. I have to work twice as hard as I once did just to make sense. Still I haven't completely thrown in the towel and I've been writing a very short monthly column for Stonewall News Northwest. You can read the current issue here: http://www.stonewallnews.net/ or find the back issues here:http://www.stonewallnews.net/backissues.htm.
I was first asked to write for them back in September. I think...
Here's a link to a letter to the editor I authored printed at www.advocate.com.
The direct link: http://www.advocate.com/letters_detail_ektid24917.asp .
Although I think Dan Savage is a talented writer, I also strongly believe his energies are often misguided, if not criminally so. This guy is among the most unaccountable figures on the political-activist scene...(Why his column was even printed, especially his trashing of the people of the Spokane area also points to some questionable editorial oversight at the Advocate.)
Remember back to a certain Midwestern presidential primary where as a "campaign volunteer" he "might or might not have" purposely tried to infect a bunch of neo cons with the flu?-Oh yeah-That. Indeed, that's classic Savage Style.
What a nice nod to bio terrorism-especially examining his actions in a post 9-11 world. Savage should not have been so weakly prosecuted for his stunt then. He would be jailed if he pulled the same stunt now.
Anyway, in a piece Savage wrote for the Advocate, for some strange reason his thoughts were sought on the Mayor West Scandal because his boyfriend "Used to live in Spokane." Savage seemed hell bent on besting the score to make up for his partner's miserable youth by running present day Spokane into the ground. In the process, he made mince meat of any claim left coast activists might still have owning any sense of diversity, the definition of tolerance, or hell for that matter, consistency.
The book "Everything I Have is Blue", to which I contributed a short story, ok- like years ago, is already in its second printing. The working class anthology seems to be getting all sorts of critical acclaim. For those of you who still haven't ordered it, its available at www.Amazon.com or at: http://www.suspectthoughtspress.com/pressblue.htm
Here is a link to reviews of the book:http://www.suspectthoughtspress.com/bluereview.htm
Some readers on Amazon were a bit upset that the book wasn't more rosey and glowing. I still stand by my sub title of gay life in working class America: Everything I have is not pretty.
Thank God Brokeback Mountain is finally forcing gay working class realities right into West Hollywood with a vengeance. Which is a topic for about fifty blogs.
1 comment:
Hey Tim - cool to find your blog, and congrats on Blue - I'm glad to see it out and thriving in the world.
Btw I'm a couch-sleeper too - Trav
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