Saturday, February 03, 2007

Talking Points to Rescue a Movement...

I've been trying to get my father to read Andrew Sullivan's latest book. We came close-I actually got dad to drive to the Sea Tac Mall and we were sitting in the parking lot of with a 25% off coupon in my hand...just hoping my father wouldn't chicken out at the last minute.

But he did.

No book. No search for the conservative soul. No counter point to address the reckless and intellectually counterfit Bill O'Reilly rag sitting on the coffee table.

I, for the record, don't exactly think Sullivan represents doctrinal salvation. I don't think he's got any better idea on how to fix the mess were in than Shrub. But, at least Sullivan seems to grasp what it means to be a conservative and that if you're going to use such a term to describe yourself, you'd best know what it means.

Which also for the record, very few of the current crop of conservatives seem to understand. On any level-from spending, to foreign policy to social policy the conservative movement has some serious conflicts to reconsile. And as one after another of these guys abandon their hero Bush, Sullivan and numerous others worry that their next annointed hero could be even worse.

Here Greenwald offers a very candid assessment of Sullivan- worthy of a read for anyone who is seeking a milemarker to gauge the distances involved in getting from Reagon to Bush if your inclined to wear a conservative hat.

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