Saturday, February 03, 2007

Crayola Envy

I remember when I was a kid, true status was found in the number of crayons a person possessed. If you had 64 crayons, with the built in sharpener, you were something. I mean no one could top 64 Crayons plus a built in sharpener. The art made possible through such resources, puts the other preschool competition at a severe disadvantage. And now, courtesy of Kelcy I've learned that the top dog Crayon Expert has 96 colors from which to choose. 96 amazing colors! Imagine that.

I've been teaching Kelcy new words lately. All of these are words that every four-going on five year old should master. The first word was "Compulsive." This word defines the entire family and will provide her a well of serenity to draw upon as she attempts to explain the unique relationships surrounding her. "Compulsive" people truly value a box of 96 colors.

The next word I taught her was "devastated". If your going to capitalize on drama, you need to have the tools to properly describe it and truly capture in emotional terms the events significant effects on you. A good example of the proper use of "devastated" is having to get ready for bed at 7:45 pm when your bedtime is actually 8:00 pm. Another good example of what it means to be devastated is when you learn that uncle Tim will only allow one bedtime story and that no, he will not help you put all your stuffed animals on mommy and daddy's bed even though you swear its OK and that they would like such a surprise.

Another important word that we've learned together is exceptional. I tell Kelcy that she has exceptional parents and that she is exceptionally smart. Another good use of the word "exceptional" is when we describe her Hot Wheels Collection. She agrees that she has an exceptional collection.

The final word that I taught her while in Seattle was the word "consequences". I had a little bit of help teaching her this word after Uncle Graham and I took her for a walk on the beach. Uncle Graham and I spent a little bit too much time on the beach talking about grown up stuff and we walked too far. Somehow I also lost my cell phone on the trail and we were delayed getting back to the house where Aunt Dawn waited for us. As I carried Kelcy on my shoulders down the beach back to the car, both Graham and I explained to Kelcy that the consequences of us getting delayed on the beach meant that Graham "got to go" to a party with his partner Dawn when he'd rather just hang out at home. We explained that another way to understand "consequences" was when Kelcy got in trouble and had to go and sit in her naughty spot.

We all agreed that "consequences" is not a very fun word.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelcy
Always remember, it is much
easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission.

Just a little tip from your friend Pat.

Pat NY