Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ding Dong the Threads Unwind...

Quote of the day:

Former FEMA director Mike Brown received a furious lecture from Rep. Gene Taylor, D-Miss., who also lost his home in Katrina."You can try to throw as much as you can on the backs of Louisianans, but I'm a witness as to what happened in Mississippi. You folks fell on your face," said Taylor, "You get an F-minus in my book."

Seattle Times, 9/28/05

And more feedback on the Rodeo Princess...

BTW, regardless of what Paster Anderson (Sr.) had to say about the reappearance (resurgence) of the Rodeo Princess, there are many out here in the readership world who were delighted to see her latest installment. Speaking personally, sitting at work as I do amidst all the fasion tragedies and trainwrecks, the Rodeo Princess comments and photos were like a breath of fresh air (although I would like to remain upwind of any such breezes). But once again, the RP has amazed me. Now I know her talents stretch - and I do mean stretch - from horsewomanship, to fashion, to gardening.

What remarkable accomplishments!

If ever there were an anti-heroine for the less-is-more set, it is the RP, where clearly her concepts involve more is best especially in the west. And, candidly, between you and me, I believe we have an editorial intern at the magazine who originally hails from Rifle, CO, who is secretly appalled by what passes for fashion within the pages of the magazine I work at. The RP may hear from our intern, but I have to be careful and not let too many people know I have access to one of the top fashion figures from Echo.

M, Los Angeles, Ca

Today's Blog:

I was going to blog about fall color...about the beauty of Autumn in Pend Oreille County-

That is until Tom Delay was indicted today.

Yeah you read that right, the Speaker of the House was forced to step down as that stinking, corrupt house of cards he'd so meticulously created, from the remains of what was once the proud Republican Party, begins to implode. But not before Delay almost succeeded in gutting what little remained of House Ethics rules. So as the cards fall,






Let's just do a short list tally of the current Bush Administration accomplishments.

No captured Bin Laden.

No end to the Iraq war.

The Taliban is making a comeback in central Asia.

Iran will govern Iraq. That is IF a solid government ever sees ratification.

Thousands of dead...

The torture and murder, yes murder, of political prisoners in our charge and substantial violations of the Geneva Convention.

Here at home we have:

Fuel prices up 75% in just three years.

Record Oil Company profits.

A Federal Budget Deficit of Blinding Proportions...An economy financed by foreign governments...

A complete meltdown with Katrina, a lucky near miss with Rita, and a Federal Government that insists on blaming the mayor of New Orleans for everything. Or better yet, those "lazy, dependent, project bound demanding" minority residents, the ones who couldn't take care of themselves and who offered the world yet another glimpse of what anarchy looks like in America. An image so shocking that our denial can no longer be sustainable.

As a trucker I've spent a lot of time in neighborhoods just like the ones we saw during the Hurricane...impoverished neighborhoods...





No sportsfans, this is not the isolated exception anymore in America...

Growing poverty is the end result of the rule of supply side economics. Let's be honest.

And as once again I read all these shameful conservative commentators spewing crap- promoting personal responsibility, self sufficiancy, and good moral conduct- Then I see their hero's. I see the Republican greats robbing the public trust through their no bid contracts, special access, and unaccountable behavior. I watch as they duck indictments, run from obstruction of justice charges, and I watch as they seem curiously above any ethical restraint in their own conduct.


I can't help it, I've taken time once again to stop and smell the Republicans.

So what lies ahead? What scent on the political breeze shall we encounter next?

A certain head of the US Senate, Frist from Tennessee, is barely treading the political waters for all his pretty life as those now bittersweet sweetheart "blind trust" deals somehow finally saw the light of day last week.

The New York Times broke the story about the Federal Prosecutor in Guam who was hot on the trail of Tom Delay's accomplices until former attorney general, John Ashcroft, mysteriously reassigned that dedicated prosecutor just as the case was about to blow the Republicans into mafia status. Now Ashcroft's department of justice seems to be synonymous with obstruction of justice, and not just Delay is in serious trouble. Our own Washington politicians, Representative Doc Hastings, Sheriff Reichart, and McMorris are up to their chinny chin chins in this one too.

The "OHLAY! DeLay! money trail" leads right back to the Evergreen State.

Oh and for the record, that certain lobbyist, the very one that was subject of that stonewalled Guam prosecutor? The same lobbyist who screwed over several Indian Tribes, and who now, aside from being under arrest, is also now linked to a murder in Florida, and a federal disaster relief official who was arrested last week-just watch him sing now that DeLay can't keep the flood waters from rising.

All of these public "servants" lead right back to the Whitehouse. They jump orgy like into a very crowded bed with Karl Rove, Brown, Delay, Frist, and Ashcroft.

Meanwhile The Whitewashed Whitehouse still can't explain how it came to be that a CIA official was outed as a political payback by "journalist" Novak. So it seems Katrina has finally blown away all the emperor's Bush's clothes. But wait, oh my God, could it be?

Another hurricane is heading right toward Washington DC!

This one also has a name, and like the bitch of a Catagory 5 Hurricane that Katrina was, this one is going to absolutely flatten the landscape.

Her name you ask?


Prayer Requests:

For thanks that Ron's son up in British Columbia, Canada is going to be ok...

For thanks that Kevin is recovering from being sick

For JoAnne's father Clarence, aka "Bob" who is facing life threatening medical issues

For Cathy and ongoing health issues...

For my cousin Grant's infant daughter, who is now finally home from the hospital...

For my neighbor Dennis who is fighting a five year battle against cancer...

For Clayton's Sister who is going through a tough time...

For parents Vickie and Jimmy and their premature babies Heidi and Olivia...

For Stacy and Chris-who face frightening health challenges that in the last week seem to be escalating. For their kids Madison and Christopher that they may know God is watching over their parents...

For Bobbi that her pregnancy continues without complications...Bobbi carries a boy.
For Brooke who is also pregnant. She is carrying a girl.

For all the cattle ranchers on both sides of the border facing Mad Cow fears...

For Dana's husband, that he makes it home safely from Iraq...

Links, links, links...

Grizzly Bears make a come back in Yellowstone...

The White House seeks political cover

Gay marriage debate heads to Oregon Courts...

Mayor West rebuked by Spokane Human Rights Commission

Sexual slavery in America's prisons...

Mission Accomplished. The Federal Government is now completely castrated.

Additional coverage on the meltdown of FEMA-even the former director now blames the White House for slashing this agencies budget, gutting the agency, and leaving it powerless

More armchair quarterbacking...

Openly gay soldiers good enough for war time, but not for peace time...the hypocrisy of "don't ask, don't tell"...continues.

Heroic gay priest, victim of 9/11 disaster would have been targeted by new Vatican policy

Washington State Gays could get right to marry under Supreme Court Ruling expected anytime...

Erectile Dysfunction Drugs + Meth = Higher HIV transmission rates

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