Friday, May 11, 2007


For the last few days I've been blessed to have an Internet Connection and thus a few posts...

It seems life continues to accelerate while I find myself coming up with a new series of plans and ambitions to celebrate. One thing is looking more and more likely-an advanced degree and school. Most of which I can conduct from Pend Oreille County. My writing has drawn millions of readers, carried in and over several different formats but it has resulted in little if any income. The stats continue to come in from High Mountain Ranch and we still get roughly two million hits a year. To find this blog, you have to really work at it, but here too we average fairly decent traffic...

This year I've spent far more time with my parents than I did last year. My father has made it a point to make sure that I know where all their important papers are, the way they've financially structured their lives, and he talks more and more about when he's no longer going to be here. It's unsettling to face bravely forward what will someday come. My father's faith sustains him, yet still I hope that the time to say goodbye is far off.

Back in the day his language used to be peppered with living to be a hundred and something and getting shot by a jealous husband. So reality is setting in and I can see that time is beginning to wear both my parents down a bit. Mom can't hear as much as she once did, and her vision has been a big challenge this year. Her cancer remission remains encouraging but I still find myself embracing the moment and thankful for the time I have with them.

Nothing is really all that certain in the long run. This week the news was full of reports that even something as permanent and seemingly timeless as a star can explode and implode and lose its place in the heavens. Change moves against us and security against such force is fleeting.

Anyway as summer dawns, I await the traditions and kooky brilliance that our wanderings always produce.

I hope you do too.

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